
Ladies and gentlemen!

Construction of a new church started in Afanasovo village of Mytyschinsky district, Moscow region, in the 90s. Due to social-economic situation, the construction process was stopped after the foundation had been partially built. 

Thanks to donations of parishioners, the construction of foundation had been finished in the last decade. Nowadays the lower church temple has been founded, where worshiping and services are conducted.
The priest Dmitri Druzshinin, light hearted, opened to the whole world person, received this parish after being educated in the Orthodox Holy Academy.
WE ask for your kind donations and assistance in construction of the church. You can see its approved project here.
Details for donations of citizens and companies:

Local  orthodox religious organisation Sretenskaya Church Parish, Afanasovo village.

1. Legal address: 141044 Russia, Moscow region, Mutischinsky district, v. Povednili, administration building;

2. Postal address: 141044 Russia, Moscow region, Mutischinsky district, v. Povednili, administration building;

3. ИНН 5029121335. КПП 502901001;

4. ОГРН 1085000007344, ОКПО 88883160, ОКАТО 46234802001;

5.ЕГРН 1085000007344;

6.Bank account details: acc. 40703810440260000383 Mutishinskoe Branch office №7810 Sberbank Russia, c/a 30101810400000000225,  БИК 044525225. ИНН (bank) 7707083893, КПП (bank) 502902001;

7. Priest of Sretenskaya Church, v.Afanasovo  – Dmitri Druzshinin (Tel: +7 (926) 457 87 43);

8. Chief accountant – Kosolapova T. F.